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In our last post, we discussed the common pitfalls of developing a strategic plan. It’s all too easy to get lost in the details or get wrapped up in big ideas that can never be practical. So how do you develop and launch a plan that actually produces results? Here are seven secrets to successful strategic plan engagement.

1. Create Urgency

Like we discussed in our last post, it’s vital to create a sense of urgency among key stakeholders and other constituents. Clearly demonstrate the need for a new strategy so they will be fully supportive of the planning process.

2. Evaluate the Situation

Rather than basing your strategy on speculation, make sure to do extensive research and make an honest evaluation of the current situation. If possible, hire an outside facilitator to present data-based context, guide discussions and challenge your organization’s status quo as you develop a plan.

3. Set Goals

Make sure the plan has practical goals so you can set realistic expectations. An easy way to do this is to write objectives that are SMART: Strategic, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

4. Delegate Tasks

Rather than trying to accomplish the plan by committee, it’s vital to delegate tasks so everyone’s role is clearly defined. Assign each goal to an internal champion, give the individual the authority to accomplish the tasks and make sure to hold the champion accountable.

5. Develop a Timeline

Divide the plan by years and set specific dates so the timeline is clearly communicated. Also, make sure to connect deadlines directly to the budget or fundraising process. Give regular updates on progress and celebrate successes.

6. Motivate the Team

In order to rally the team’s support, take time to convey a clear vision of what the organization will look like if the plan is successful. If everyone buys into that vision, the team’s support will carry the plan to completion.

7. Evaluate the Plan Against Your Mission

As tasks roll up into goals and the goals roll up into the plan, it is vital that it all align tightly with who you are, and who you aspire to be, as an organization.

In our next post, learn how to ensure your plan’s success using practical day-to-day strategies.

Coming soon: 7 Tips for Successful Strategic Plan Implementation




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